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Kamis, 12 November 2009

Return To House On Hunted Hill

Horror, Thriller
USA  /  English

This is the sequel to "House on Haunted Hill" where the five people spend the night in the haunted hospital and almost everyone died. There was one survivor and she was going to try and help a professor find the statue that made the house come alive but she ended getting killed before that could happen. Ariel (Amanda Rhigetti) instead takes up the endeavor of getting the statue but only after being kidnapped to do it by people who just want the statue for the monetary value. Shortly after entering the house it again comes to life and locks them all in putting metal guards down over the windows and doors so that no one can leave. In the process of trying to get the statue several people meet their bitter doom in odd and hurtful ways by the ghosts that will forever haunt the place until the statue is found and destroyed.

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