Mp3 Player

Kamis, 12 November 2009

Rocket Science

Comedy, Drama
USA  /  English

Hal Hefner (Reece Thompson) is a boy caught up in the worst of dysfunctional families. His older brother Earl (Vincent Piazza) is a violent, angry misfit who can’t seem to stay out of trouble. His parents divorced, and his mother Juliet (Lisbet Bartlett) seems ready to move on. Once in a while, she lets her lover (Steve Park) and his son, Heston (Aaron Yoo), spend the night. It’s no wonder, then that Hal is having some trouble adjusting. He stutters verbally and emotionally, but finds a reason to improve his life when he meets Ginny (Anna Kendrick). Ginny is one of the stars of his school’s debating team. At her urging, Hal joins the Debate Team. Even though his stuttering holds him back, his first step toward moving on and growing up proves to be an important one.

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