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Jumat, 13 November 2009


Comedy, Fantasy, Romance, Mystery
USA  /  English

Sondra Pransky (Scarlett Johansson) is an American college student and reporter for her school's newspaper who is visiting her cousin in London. While participating in a magic trick done by an eccentric magician, Sid Waterman (Woody Allen), she is contacted from beyond the grave by the recently deceased Joe Strombel (Ian McShane). Joe was a big time investigative journalist for a London newspaper, and he has a hot lead on a serial killer case that he picked up on the journey to the afterlife. Sondra enlists the help of Sid and follows Joe’s tips to track down the suspected murderer- wealthy bachelor Peter Lyman (Hugh Jackman). What Sondra doesn’t anticipate is that Peter is as charming as he is handsome, but that doesn’t stop her and Sid from crafting an elaborate tale in order to get to the bottom of the serial killer mystery.

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