Mp3 Player

Kamis, 12 November 2009


Comedy, Action
USA  /  English

Thongs (Jackie Chan) and Octopus (Louis Koo) have a baby to care for. The problem is the baby is kidnapped. A bigger problem is the fact that both these guys are crooks. Thongs, a burglar and gambler and Octopus is a thief. The baby belongs to a wealthy family the Lee’s. A third party to the crime is Landlord (Michael Hui). He is not interested in the baby as much as the money. For him the $37 million offered by an enemy of Mr. Lee in exchange for the baby. Thongs and Octopus argue with Landlord not to go through with the deal. Both have become quite attached to him. In the end, Landlord agrees and rather than the money, they receive a lifelong friend and new jobs away from crime.

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