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Sabtu, 14 November 2009

Shanghai Noon

Comedy, Western
USA  /  English

When East, Chon Wang (Jackie Chan), meets West, Roy O'Bannon (Owen Wilson), comedic sparks will fly. Chon Wang is an imperial guard who has come from the emperor's court in China to rescue princess Pei-Pei who has been kidnapped. As Wong as on his way to attempt to save her, his train is hijacked by Roy O'Bannon and his gang of thieves. When one of O'Bannon's boys kills Wang's uncle he decides to go after them, but in the end just escapes with his life as the gang is heavily armed. Eventually the two of them end up joining forces, especially when O'Bannon hears about all of the emperor's gold! Once they team up they must track down Lo Fong who is the chinese traitor who has abducted Princess Pei-Pei and is running a chinese slave trade in America. Will they rescue Princess Pei-Pei, or will they need to be rescued in the end?

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