Mp3 Player

Minggu, 08 November 2009


Adventure, Science Fiction, Action
USA  /  English

Year 509. It's the Viking's time and the spacecraft have just crashied against a majestic fjord. Of the stricken ship, land Kainan (James Caviezel), a humanoid warrior and Moorwen, a savage creature ready to avenge the death of his race by the army of the warrior. Isolated in this new world, where people lived thousands of years behind of civilization that has developed him, Kainan decides to find and defeat his mortal enemy. But before they can carry out his mission, he falls prey to the Vikings. After saving from death to Rothgar, chief of the Vikings, Kainan is gradually accepted into the clan and start a strong relationship with Freya (sophya Myles), the Rothgar's (John Hurt) daughter, to whom he explain his past and the tough loss of his family at the hands of Moorwen. The vengeful beast besieges the Viking stronghold and finally presents itself in the village. It is trapped by the Vikings, but manages to escape into the woods after wounding fatally Rothgar and kidnap Freya. Kainan and the Vikings will face one last desperate mission: to kill the monster or be destroyed.

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